America Latina en Video [Latin America in Video] | Alexander Street
America Latina en Video [Latin America in Video]

America Latina en Video [Latin America in Video]

America Latina en Video / América Latina em Vídeo / Latin America in Video gives instructors, students, and researchers of Latin American studies, Spanish, and Portuguese a comprehensive and unique perspective on the region. 

America Latina en Video [Latin America in Video] includes 370+ original-language films from some of the most important producers and independent filmmakers in Latin America. Abstracts and indexing available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
The videos were produced in Latin America, by Latin Americans, about Latin American issues, such as human rights, violence, immigration, illiteracy, popular culture, and political history.

Subject areas

  • Cultural Studies
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • History
  • Music
  • Religion

Content partners

  • Canal Futura—Brazil’s paid educational television channel.
  • Federal Distribución Internacional—a leading distributor of Argentinian films.
  • Cine Ojo—an award winning production and distribution company from Argentina.
  • Camila films—an independent film and video production company based in Nicaragua.
  • Independent filmmakers such as Argentinean Eduardo Montes Bradley.


  • Armados / Armados / Armed (violence)
    A documentary that discusses the role of firearms in large urban centers and Brazilian society.
  • Vozes / Vozcs / Voices for Peace
    Journalist Luís Nachbin follows three stories: a radio program that allows those abducted to listen to their families, a community strongly criticized for declaring itself neutral, and an ex-guerilla from FARC who became an avid critic of the guerillas.
  • Ladrilleros / Olieros / Brickmakers
    This film looks at the handicraft industry of making bricks in the old traditional methods.
  • La Hora de los Generales / A hora dos Generais / The General’s Turn
    This film portrays the Sandinista Popular Army, the largest army in Central America. It follows the evolution from its origins to its dramatic decline in 1990, and its consequences.
  • El Engaño / O engano / The Mistake
    This testimony of seven women, the survivors of human trafficking, maps one of Central America’s exploitation routes.
  • La Isla de los Niños Perdidos / A ilha dos meninos perdidos / The Island of the Lost Children
    The story of ten young inmates who participate in a video workshop takes place at the largest prison in Nicaragua.

Publication details

America Latina en Video América Latina em Vídeo / Latin America in Video is a streaming video collection available to libraries and educational institutions worldwide via subscription or one-time purchase of perpetual rights. No special setup or software is required—all you need is an Internet connection